Power Optimisation
Many homes and businesses have been on the same tariff for years even though their usage patterns have changed. Prices have gone up and we're here to help.
Tariff Analysis
Are you ready for the new electricity tariff prices starting July 1st, 2014?
Take the hassle out of tariff selection and if we can't save you money, it won't cost you a cent!
Take the hassle out of tariff selection and if we can't save you money, it won't cost you a cent!
Many homes and businesses have been on the same tariff for years even though their usage patterns have changed. Prices have gone up and we're here to help, take advantage of our free tariff assessment to help homes and small businesses and if we can't save you money on your electricity bill, it won't cost you a cent!
What is a tariff? How will the new electricity prices affect you?
Tariffs are the rate at which electricity is charged, and there are different types of tariffs depending on your consumption habits and the products using them. After July 1st the prices on these tariffs are changing and we may be able to help you save by changing to the right ones. The typical residential customer, consuming around 4,100kWh per annum, is likely to see an increase of 13.6% or $192 in their annual bill from the new prices. Business customers will be affected by around 12%.
To find out more on the tariffs for homes, visit https://www.ergon.com.au/your-home/tariffs-prices/general-supply-tariffs
For small businesses, visit https://www.ergon.com.au/your-business/tariffs-prices/small-business-tariffs
V04 Voltage Optimisers
Reduce your energy bill by up to 12% now!
The VO4 unit saves homes and businesses energy, money and reduces carob emissions - start making a difference today!
The electricity provided to you from the national power grid is supplied at 242 on average (Australia's nominal voltage is 230), but your appliances only need to have 220/230 volts to be powered sufficiently and are therefore being overpowered (have a look at the power label on your products, do they require a full 240 volts to run correctly?) These higher voltages will shorten the lifespan of your appliances and unnecessarily increase the cost of your electricity bill.
Available in fixed, electronic-dynamic and HV variations. Voltage Optimisers optimise onsite voltage and clean the power supply to reduce electricity consumption, lower carbon emissions and save on electricity costs.
Reduces energy bills by an average of 12%
Operates on all circuits, 24hrs a day, 7 days/week
Easy installation - no change to supplier needed
Extends lifetime of electrical equipment
No maintenance required
Guaranteed savings
Payback within 5 years